Ontologia d'ELI

ELI ontology version 1.1
Name Based on (superproperty, superclass, broader) Domain Range Card. Definition Created in Modified in History note
LegalResource RDA Work n/a n/a n/a A distinct intellectual creation (i.e., the intellectual content). (definition adapted from RDA - Resource Description and Access, see http://www.rdaregistry.info/).
For example, the abstract concept of the legal resource; e.g. "act 3 of 2005" (adapted from Akoma Ntoso)

Legal resource can be linked together using properties defined in the model.
A legal resource can represent a legal act or any component of a legal act, like an article.

Note that ELI ontology accommodates different point of view on what should be considered a new legal resource, or a new legal expression of the same resource. Typically, a consolidated version can be viewed, in the context of ELI, either as separate legal resource (linked to original version and previous consolidated version using corresponding ELI relations), or as a different legal expression of the same legal resource.
LegalResourceSubdivision eli:LegalResource n/a n/a n/a A component of a legal act, at an arbitrary level of precision, like a chapter, an article, an alinea, a paragraph or an list item. A subdivision can be linked with its parent and children subdivision using eli:has_part / eli:is_part_of. 1.1    
LegalExpression RDA Expression n/a n/a n/a The intellectual realisation of a legal resource in the form of a "sequence of signs" (typically alpha-numeric characters in a legal context) (definition adapted from RDA)
For example, any version of the legal resource whose content is specified and different from others for any reason: language, versions, etc.;

Note that ELI ontology accommodates different point of view on what should be considered a new legal resource, or a new legal expression of the same resource. Typically, a consolidated version can be viewed, in the context of ELI, either as separate legal resource (linked to original version and previous consolidated version using corresponding ELI relations), or as a different legal expression of the same legal resource.
Format RDA Manifestation n/a n/a n/a The physical embodiment of a legal expression, either on paper or in any electronic format (definition adapted from RDA).
For example, any electronic or physical format of the legal expression (XML, TIFF, PDF, etc.) ; e.g. PDF version of act 3 of 2005.  (adapted from Akoma Ntoso)
Properties: FRBR structure
is_part_of dcterms:isPartOf LegalResource LegalResource 0…* A related resource in which the described resource is physically included. Covers the case of text included in an Official Journal, or an article included in a text. For the notion of conceptual/temporal inclusion, use eli:is_member_of. 1.0 1.1 Starting with v1.1, the notion of conceptual inclusion is expressed with eli:is_member_of instead of eli:is_part_of.
has_part dcterms:hasPart LegalResource LegalResource 0…* Inverse of "is_part_of" 1.0 1.1  
is_member_of dcterms:isPartOf LegalResource LegalResource 0…* Indicates that this resource is conceptually included in another one. Typically the successive temporal versions of a given legislation are conceptually members of a single « abstract » resource. For the notion of physical inclusion, use eli:is_part_of. 1.1    
has_member dcterms:hasPart LegalResource LegalResource 0…* Indicates that this resource conceptually includes another one. For the notion of physical inclusion, use eli:has_part. 1.1    
is_realized_by RDA P10078 ("has expression of Work") LegalResource LegalExpression 0…* Relates a legal resource to a legal expression of this resource in the form of a "sequence of signs" (typically alpha-numeric characters in a legal context). (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "realizes". 1.0    
realizes RDA P20231 ("has work expressed") LegalExpression LegalResource 1…1 Relates a legal expression to the legal resource realised through that expression. (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "is_realized_by". 1.0    
is_embodied_by RDA P20059 ("has manifestation of expression") LegalExpression Format 0…* Relates a legal expression to a physical format of that expression (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "embodies". 1.0    
embodies RDA P30139 ("has expression manifested") Format LegalExpression 1…1 Relates a physical format to the legal expression embodied in that format (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "is_embodied_by". 1.0 1.1 In v1.1, this was declared functional (the constraint was missing in 1.0)
is_exemplified_by RDA P30103 ("has exemplar of manifestation") Format owl:Thing 0…* Link to a concrete file URL.
Relates a format to a single exemplar or instance of that format (definition adapted from RDA). 
Properties: description
number   LegalResource; LegalExpression xsd:String 0…* An identifier or other disambiguating feature for a legal resource or legal expression. This can be the number of a legislation, the number of an article, or the issue number of an official journal. 1.1    
uri_schema   LegalResource; LegalExpression; Format owl:Thing 0…1 Schema describing the URI of an ELI instance. ELI uses URI template specifications (IETF RFC 6570). Schemes should be associated with member states and will be published in a registry. 1.0    
id_local dcterms:identifier LegalResource; LegalExpression; Format xsd:String or xsd:AnyURI 0…* The unique identifier used in a local reference system to maintain backwards compatibility. For examples the CELEX at EU level, or the NOR in France 1.0    
type_document dcterms:type LegalResource eli:ResourceType, corresponding to a local concept scheme. 1…* The type of a legal resource (e.g. "Directive", "Règlement grand ducal", "law", "règlement ministeriel", "draft proposition", "Parliamentary act", etc.).

Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the corresponding concept scheme. EU Publications Office provides a list of values for EU resource types at http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/resource-type
relevant_for dcterms:coverage LegalResource; LegalExpression eli:AdministrativeArea, containing the list of administrative territorial units defined in http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/atu 0…* Refers to a place or an area associated with the resource. This covers the notions of jurisdiction, sovereignty, applicability or administrative area. The place identifier can be taken from the Administrative Territorial Unit table published of the EU Publications Office at http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/atu. Member States don't have to recreate their own list of values.

The group notes the limitations of what can be said with a single property; member states can refine this notion by declaring specific sub properties.
1.0 1.1 Starting from v1.1, the values for this property can be taken from the named authority list published by the Office of Publications instead of defining new values.
jurisdiction eli:relevant_for LegalResource; LegalExpression eli:AdministrativeArea, containing the list of administrative territorial units defined in http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/atu 0…* The jurisdiction from which the legal resource originates.

The place identifier can be taken from the Administrative Territorial Unit table published of the EU Publications Office at http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/atu. Member States don't have to recreate their own list of values.
passed_by dcterms:creator LegalResource eli:Agent 0…* The person or organization that originally passed or made the law : typically parliament (for primary legislation) or government (for secondary legislation). This indicates the "legal author" of the law, as opposed to its physical author.

This property can be used multiple times to indicate both the agent that authored the text, and/or the agent that signed the text, thus turning it into an actual legislation.

The relationship between current and any former law making body should be represented in the description of the agent itself.

Member states are encouraged to make their own list of Agents. EU Publications Office provides a list of corporate bodies at http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/corporate-body.
1.0 1.1 In v1.1, the semantic of this property was broaden to encompass organisations/persons that « drafted the text » and « signed it ».
responsibility_of   LegalResource xsd:String 0…* An individual, organisation or organisational unit that has some kind of responsibility for the legislation. Typically the ministry who is/was in charge of elaborating the legislation, or the adressee for potential questions about the legislation once it is published.
This property should be used when the value cannot be identified by a suitable URI; if a URI is available, the property "responsibility_of_agent" should be used.
1.0 1.1 v1.1 : the definition was made more precise, with examples. Introduced the corresponding object property responsibility_of_agent.
responsibility_of_agent   LegalResource eli:Agent 0…* An individual, organisation or organisational unit that has some kind of responsibility for the legislation. Typically the ministry who is/was in charge of elaborating the legislation, or the adressee for potential questions about the legislation once it is published.
This property should be used when the value can be identified by a suitable URI; in the absence of such a URI, the property "responsibility_of" should be used with a string value.
is_about dcterms:subject LegalResource skos:Concept (Eurovoc or a locally defined scheme) 0…* A subject for this legal resource. The use of Eurovoc (http://eurovoc.europa.eu) is encouraged to select values for this property. Member states are encouraged to align local values to Eurovoc. 1.0    
description dcterms:description LegalResource; LegalExpression xsd:String 0…* An account of the resource (definition from Dubin Core), e.g a summary. 1.0    
version   LegalResource; LegalExpression eli:Version, corresponding to a local concept scheme 0…* A version status for the resource. Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the Version concept scheme. Example of such values can be "Official Journal", "made", "consolidated", "proposed", "prospective", etc. 1.0    
version_date dcterms:date LegalResource; LegalExpression xsd:Date 0…1 The point-in-time at which the provided description of the legislation is valid. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
Properties: dates and date-related
date_document dcterms:date LegalResource xsd:Date 0…1 Date of adoption or signature (of the form yyyy-mm-dd) 1.0    
date_publication dcterms:issued LegalResource or LegalExpression xsd:Date 0…1 Date of publication of the official version of the legislation, in hard copy or online, depending on what the official publication is, and when it was published. Publication dates at the level of legal expressions can be separately asserted, using standard Dublin Core properties. 1.0 1.1 In v1.1, the domain was broaden to add LegalExpression.
in_force   LegalResource or LegalExpression eli:InForce, corresponding to a concept scheme for which 3 values are defined in the ELI ontology. Member states do not need to define their own values for this table. 0…1 A value indicating the legal force of a legal resource or a legal expression. A set of values is defined by ELI in the corresponding concept scheme. These values are :
  - in force
  - partially in force
  - not in force
1.0 1.1  
first_date_entry_in_force   LegalResource or LegalExpression xsd:Date 0…1 The first date any part of the legal resource or legal expression came into force (can be seen as the start date of a dc:valid range for this resource) 1.0    
date_no_longer_in_force   LegalResource or LegalExpression xsd:Date 0…1 The last date any part of the legislation cease to be in force, if the date is known (can be seen as the end date of a dc:valid range for this resource). 1.0 1.1  
date_applicability   LegalResource or LegalExpression xsd:Date 0…* The date at which the legislation becomes applicable. This is distinct from the date of entry into force : a text may come in force today, and state it will become applicable in 3 months.

The group notes that applicability dates can lead to complex situations, e.g. a text with different applicability dates for different jurisdictions; specific extensions to the model should be used for such situations.
Properties: relations
related_to dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression owl:Thing 0…* Indicates a somehow related other document, not necessarily a legal resource. Note that citation links should use the cites property. 1.0    
changes dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Indicates that this legal resource or expression legally changes another. This encompasses the notions of amendment, replacement, repeal, or other types of change. This may be a direct change (textual or non-textual amendment) or a consequential or indirect change. Note, the property is to be used to express the existence of a change relationship between two acts rather than the existence of a consolidated version of the text that shows the result of the change. For consolidation relationships, use the "consolidates" and "consolidated_by" properties. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
changed_by dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of « changes ». Indicates that this legal resource or expression is being legally changed by another. This encompasses the notions of amendment, replacement, repeal, or other types of change. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
basis_for dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression LegalResource 0…* Indicates that this legal resource or expression empowers another . Typically primary legislation is the basis for secondary legislation. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
based_on dcterms:relation LegalResource LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "basis_for". Indicates that this legal resource is empowered by another one, typically a constitution, a treaty or an enabling act. 1.0 1 1 v1.1 : improved definition
cites dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression owl:Thing 0…* Citation in the text of the legislation. This may be at the legal resource or legal expression level, as required by the implementation context. This includes verbatim citation and citations in referrals. 1.0    
cited_by dcterms:relation xsd:AnyURI LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "cites" 1.0    
consolidates dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Indicates that this consolidated legal resource or expression (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation) takes into account another one. This property should be used multiple times to refer to both the original version or the previous consolidated version, and to the legislations making the change. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
consolidated_by dcterms:relation LegalResource; LegalExpression LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "consolidates". Indicates that this legal resource or expression is taken into account in a consolidated text (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation). 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
transposes applies LegalResource; LegalExpression LegalResource 0…* Indicates that this legislation (or part of legislation) fulfills the objectives set by another legislation, by passing appropriate implementation measures. Typically, some legislations of European Union's member states or regions transpose European Directives. This indicates a legally binding link between the 2 legislations, at act or article level, from the original version of a national implementing measure to the legal resource Directive as published in the EU Official Journal. Can be used for transposition tables, once EU Publication Office has introduced ELI support down to the article level.

Note that this should point to the legal resource of the Directive itself, not to one of its language-specific legal expression.
1.0 1.1 v1.1 : this property was made a subproperty of "applies", and the definition was improved.
transposed_by applied_by LegalResource LegalResource; LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "transposes".

Note that this property is expressed on a legal resource, not on one of its language-specific legal expression.
1.0 1.1 v1.1 : this property was made a subproperty of "applied_by"
applies dcterms:relation LegalResource;LegalExpression LegalResource 0…* Indicates that this legislation (or part of a legislation) somehow conforms with another legislation. This is an informative link, and it has no legal value. For legally-binding links of transposition, use the property transposes. This can be used for example :
  - when a pre-existing law already conforms to a recent european directive (in that case it does not "transposes" it strictly speaking);
  - when non-EU member states make sure their legislation is conformant with EU law without strictly speaking transposing it;
  - when a legislation from a local authority conforms with a national legislation;

Note that this should point to a LegalResource, not to a language-specific expression.
applied_by dcterms:relation LegalResource LegalResource;LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "applies".

Note that this property is expressed on a legal resource, not on one of its language-specific legal expression.
commences eli:changes LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Indicates that this legal resource sets another legal resource into force.
Note the the date of entry into force of the other resource should be modified accordingly.
Note also that it is not possible to indicate when the entry into force should happen.
commenced_by eli:changed_by LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "commences". Indicates that this legal resource was set in force by another legal resource.
Situations where a resource enters into force because of more than one resource are explicitely allowed.
repeals eli:changes LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Indicates that this legal resource or legal expression completely cancels, abrogates or replaces another. If a resource partially repeals another, this link can be used at the corresponding subdivision level being completely repealed. 1.1    
repealed_by eli:changed_by LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "repeals". Indicates that this legal resource or legal expression is being completely canceled, abrogated or replaced by another legal resource. If a resource is partially repealed by another, this link can be used at the corresponding subdivision level being completely repealed. 1.1    
corrects dcterms:relation LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression or Format 0…* Indicates that this resource introduces textual modifications (like correction of spelling mistakes) with no legal change in another resource, expression or format; typically corrigenda in EU legislation. For modifications that have a legal impact, use eli:amends. 1.1    
corrected_by dcterms:relation LegalResource or LegalExpression or Format LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "corrects". Indicates a resource that introduces textual modifications (like correction of spelling mistakes) with no legal change in this resource, expression or format; typically corrigenda in EU legislation. For modifications that have a legal impact, use eli:amended_by. 1.1    
amends eli:changes LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Indicates that this resource introduces legal changes in another resource. For modifications that don’t have a legal impact, use eli:corrects. 1.1    
amended_by eli:changed_by LegalResource or LegalExpression LegalResource or LegalExpression 0…* Inverse of "amends". Indicates a resource that introduced legal changes in this resource. For modifications that don’t have a legal impact, use eli:corrected_by. 1.1    
is_another_publication_of dcterms:relation LegalResource LegalResource 0…* Indicates that this resource is a new publication, in a different official journal, of another resource already published elsewhere, and cannot be considered to be the same resource (owl:sameAs cannot be used to avoid potential duplication of certain metadata, like the date of publication, or the publisher).

Note that this is different from the exceptionnal cases of "republication", where the same resource is actually republished in the same official journal a few days after its initial publication, in case of errors.
has_another_publication dcterms:relation LegalResource LegalResource 0…* Inverse of "is_another_publication_of".  1.1    
Properties: LegalExpression and Format
language dcterms:language LegalExpression eli:Language, corresponding to the list of languages published by EU Publications Office. 1…* The language of an expression.

EU Publications Office provides a list of languages at http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/language. This list is large enough so that member states should not have to declare local values.

Note that, if needed, a language can also be stated on a legal resource using the DublinCore "language" property.
title dcterms:title LegalExpression xsd:String 1…* The title, or name, of an expression.

Note that, if needed, a title can also be stated on a legal resource using the Dublin Core "title" property.
title_short dcterms:alternative LegalExpression xsd:String 0…* Established short title of the expression (if any) 1.0    
title_alternative dcterms:alternative LegalExpression xsd:String 0…* An alternative title of the expression (if any).

Note that, if needed, an alternative title can also be stated on a legal resource using the Dublin Core "alternative" property.
published_in   Format xsd:String 0…* Reference to the Official Journal or other publication manifestation in which this format is published.
This property should be used when the value cannot be identified by a suitable URI; if a URI is available, the property "published_in_format" should be used.
1.0 1.1 v1.1 : modified the range to xsd:string, and introduced the corresponding object property published_in_format.
published_in_format   Format Format 0…* Reference to the Official Journal or other publication manifestation in which this format is published.
This property should be used when the value can be identified by a suitable URI; in the absence of such a URI, the property "published_in" should be used with a string value.
publishes   Format Format 0…* Inverse of "published_in_format". Note this property does not link a publisher with a resource, but rather a specific Format of a resource with a specific Format of another resource, indicating that the subject Format publishes the object Format. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : made inverse of "published_in_format"
publisher dcterms:publisher LegalExpression; Format xsd:String 0…* An entity responsible for making the resource available (definition from Dublin Core).
This property should be used when the value cannot be identified by a suitable URI; if a URI is available, the property "publisher_agent" should be used.
1.0 1.1 v1.1 : modified the range to xsd:string and introduced the corresponding object property publisher_agent.
publisher_agent dcterms:publisher LegalExpression; Format eli:Agent 0…* An entity responsible for making the resource available (definition from Dublin Core).
This property should be used when the value can be identified by a suitable URI; in the absence of such a URI, the property "publisher" should be used with a string value.
format dcterms:format Format owl:Thing 1…1 The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource (definition from Dublin Core).
Possible URIs values should be taken from http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types (e.g. http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/xml), and can serve as a basis for content negotiation for the server to return the appropriate file based on the client preference.
rights dcterms:rights Format xsd:String 0…1 Information about rights held in and over the resource (definition from Dublin Core). For example, that property can be used to provide a link to a page that describes the licensing terms. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition and changed the range to xsd:string
rightsholder dcterms:rightsholder Format xsd:String 0…* A person or organisation owning or managing rights over the resource (definition from Dublin Core).
This property should be used when the value cannot be identified by a suitable URI; if a URI is available, the property "rightsholder_agent" should be used.
1.0 1.1 v1.1 : modified the range to xsd:string, and introduced the corresponding object property rightsholder_agent.
rightsholder_agent dcterms:rightsholder Format eli:Agent 0…* A person or organisation owning or managing rights over the resource (definition from Dublin Core).
This property should be used when the value can be identified by a suitable URI; in the absence of such a URI, the property "rightsholder" should be used with a string value.
licence dcterms:license Format owl:Thing 0…* A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource (Definition from Dublin Core) 1.0    
legal_value   Format eli:LegalValue, for which 4 values are defined in the ELI ontology. Member states do not need to define their own values for this table. 0…1 The legal value associated with a specific format of a resource. A set of values is defined by ELI in the corresponding concept scheme. These values are :
  - unofficial : no particular or special standing;
  - official : published by an organisation with the public task of making the information available (e.g. a consolidated version of a EU directive) ;
  - authoritative : the publisher gives some special status to the publication (e.g. "the Queens Printer" version of an Act of Parliament, or the OJ version of a EU Directive);
  - definitive : the text is conclusively what the law says, (e.g. the digitally signed version of an OJ).
1.0 1.1  
Sets of concepts defined in ELI
AdministrativeArea n/a n/a n/a n/a Formally defined as the set of skos:Concept either in concept scheme eli:AdministrativeAreaTable or in concept scheme http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/atu (Administrative Territorial Unit table published of the EU Publications Office). 1.0 1.1 Starting from v1.1, the values for administrative areas can be taken from the Administrative Territorial Unit table published of the EU Publications Office.
InForce n/a n/a n/a n/a Formally defined as the set of skos:Concept in concept scheme eli:InForceTable. 1.0    
Language n/a n/a n/a n/a Formally defined as the set of skos:Concept in concept scheme http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#language 1.0    
LegalValue n/a n/a n/a n/a Formally defined as the set of skos:Concept in concept scheme eli:LegalValueTable 1.0    
ResourceType n/a n/a n/a n/a Formally defined as the set of skos:Concept in concept scheme eli:ResourceTypeTable 1.0    
Version n/a n/a n/a n/a Formally defined as the set of skos:Concept in concept scheme eli:VersionTable 1.0    
Table: InForce
InForce-InForce   n/a n/a n/a Indicates that a legal resource is in force. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
InForce-PartiallyInForce   n/a n/a n/a Indicates that parts of the legal resource are in force, and parts are not. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
InForce-NotInForce   n/a n/a n/a Indicates that a legal resource is currently not in force. 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
Table: LegalValue
LegalValue-unofficial   n/a n/a n/a Document has no particular or special standing. 1.0    
LegalValue-official   n/a n/a n/a Document is published by an organisation with the public task of making the information available (A consolidated version of a EU directive published by EU Publications Office.) 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
LegalValue-authoritative LegalValue-official n/a n/a n/a The publisher gives some special status to the publication of the document. ("The Queens Printer" version of a UK Act of Parliament). This status is specific to UK where no text can be considered « definitive ». 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition
LegalValue-definitive LegalValue-authoritative n/a n/a n/a Document for which the text is conclusively what the law says. (The digitally signed version of an Official Journal.) 1.0 1.1 v1.1 : improved definition